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All India Moot Court Competition for Kerala
Law Academy Trophy

The Kerala Law Academy holds several academic competitions at the National Level providing a venue for academic debates, deliberations, and legal development and reform for the benefit of the Legal Community and the students. Two of the important competitions are the All-India Moot Court Competition for the Kerala Law Academy Trophy being held regularly every year since 1990 and the National Client Consulting Competition for Justice P. Govindan Menon Trophy being held regularly every year since 2000.

The Moot Court Competition for law students at the National Level provides the students greater exposure to legal analysis and oratory skills and inculcates in them a spirit of competition. Presently the All-India Moot Competition has successfully completed its 23rd year. The said competition for The Kerala Law Academy Trophy is the third oldest moot court competition in the country (The oldest competition is the Jessup (National Rounds) started in 1978 and the second oldest one is the Bar Council of India National Competition started in 1989). More significant is the fact that the Kerala Law Academy All India moot court competition attracts the highest number of participants and has the highest number of participating law schools/colleges among the various national moot court competitions in India and is recognized in legal circles as one of the best in India, being a converging point for Professors, law teachers and academics from various Universities of India, lawyers of repute and for being the most neutral and unbiased one. The highlight of the competition is its declared policy that the host team from Academy will not contest beyond the quarter-final stage

The National Client Consulting Competition conducted by the Kerala Law Academy is also a prestigious national competition attracting many participant law schools from various parts of the nation and has successfully completed its 13th year since its launch in 2000.

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