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Kerala Law Academy Law College Peroorkada

Thiruvananthapuram Kerala – 695005


1. Admission to the Integrated Five-year B.A; LL.B and B.Com; LL.B Course in the Kerala Law Academy Law College will be made mainly on the basis of merit.

2. Only those students who have passed Higher Secondary Examination of the Government of Kerala or any other equivalent examination with not less than 45% of the aggregate marks in the General category, 42% of mark for OBC category and 40% marks in the category of SC, ST and OEC are eligible to seek admission to the first semester of the Integrated Five Year B.A; LL.B. and B.Com; LL.B Courses. 10% seats are reserved for candidates belonging to the categories of SC & S.T.

3. Admission to the Integrated Five Year B.A; LL.B course and 50% seats in the Integrated Five Year B.Com; LL.B Course will be made on the basis of merit which will be determined taking into account. (1) the performance in the entrance test, (2) marks secured in the qualifying examination and (3) interview. Remaining 50% seats in the B.Com; LL.B Course will be filled by admitting candidates from the select list forwarded by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, Govt. of Kerala.

4. Taking the above factors into account, the Academy has evolved the following norms for admission to the first semester of the Integrated Five year B.A; LL.B Course and 50% seats in the B.Com; LL.B Course. Total final Index marks will be 200 (Entrance Test: 120, qualifying examination: 50 and interview: 30)

Admissions Open!


1. Admission to the Unitary Degree Course in Law in the Kerala Law Academy Law College will be made mainly on the basis of merit.

2. Only those students who have passed any Bachelor’s degree examination or any other equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate (Part I + Part II + Part III) or CGPA 1.8 in the General Category, 42% marks in the aggregate (Part I + Part II + Part III) or CGPA 1.7 in the OBC Category and 40% marks (Part I + Part II + Part III) or CGPA 1.6 in the category of SC, ST are eligible to seek admission to the first semester of the Unitary Degree Course in Law. 10% seats are reserved for candidates belonging to the categories of SC & S.T.

3. Admission will be made on the basis of merit determined on the basis of percentage of marks secured in the qualifying degree examination and personal interview.

4. Application for admission to Five Year B.A.,LL.B & B.Com,LL.B and Three Year Unitary Degree LL.B Courses can be submitted online in the 6. Application for admission to Five Year B.A.,LL.B & B.Com,LL.B and Three Year Unitary Degree LL.B Courses can be submitted online in the Website The print out of the application along with required supporting documents and the Demand Draft in favour of The Principal, Kerala Law Academy Law College for Rs.1,250/- for 5 year courses and Rs 1,000/- for the other courses shall be send to the address “The Principal, Kerala Law Academy Law College, Peroorkada P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695005”.

5.The Principal may refuse admission to any candidate without assigning any reason.

6.Any student who has obtained admission to the College by means of false certificate or by false representation of any kind, or who may be found guilty of misconduct shall be summarily dismissed.
Admissions Open!

Courses of Instruction

Unitary Degree Course in Law (Three-year LL.B)

The Unitary Degree Course in Law shall extend to a period of 3 academic years consisting of 6 semesters including practical training. There shall be at least 90 instructional days and a minimum of 450 hours of instruction in a semester.

Candidates seeking admission to the first semester of the Unitary Degree course in Law shall have passed any degree examination or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Kerala University with not less than 45 percent marks in the qualifying degree examination in the case of general category, 42% marks in OBC category and 40% in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Schedule Tribes.

Selection to the course will be made on the basis of personal interview and marks secured in the qualifying degree examination.

No candidate will be admitted to the college unless he/she produces the following documents at the time of admission.

All or consolidated mark lists of the qualifying degree examination (Originals).

Transfer certificate from the institution last studied (Original).

Conduct and character certificate from the institution last studied.

Degree Certificate or Provisional certificate (Original).

Eligibility Certificate: Candidates who have passed the qualifying degree examination from any University other than Kerala University shall produce the Eligibility Certificate of the Kerala University at the time of admission.

Migration Certificate: Candidates who have passed the qualifying degree examination from any University other than Kerala University shall produce a Migration Certificate from the respective University last studied.

The Candidate being within a radius of 10KM from the Kerala Law Academy campus Peroorkada is desirable for streamlining the legal study

Integrated Five Year B.A., LL.B. and B.Com LL.B Courses

These courses shall be a double degree course comprising the B.A. degree course with English as major and Political Science & Economics as minor subjects with a degree course in Law and integrated B.Com LL.B course with a Degree Course in Law.

1.The 5 year LL.B. Courses shall extend to a period of 5 academic years consisting of 10 semesters including practical training. The duration of each semester shall be five months inclusive of examinations. There shall be at least 90 instructional days and a minimum of 450 hours of instruction in a semester.

2.Candidates seeking admission to the first semester of the 5 year LL.B. courses shall have passed any Higher Secondary examination of the Govt. of Kerala or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Kerala University with not less than 45 percent marks in the aggregate in the qualifying examination in the case of general category, 42% marks in OBC category and 40% marks in the case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

3.No candidates will be admitted to the college unless he/she produces the following documents at the time of admission .All or consolidated mark lists of the Higher Secondary examination (Originals). .Transfer certificate from the institution last studied (Original). Conduct and character certificate from the institution last studied. Caste Certificate (Original). Migration Certificate. Pass Certificate (Original) from ISC and CBSE.

All or consolidated mark lists of the qualifying degree examination (Originals).

Transfer certificate from the institution last studied (Original).

Conduct and character certificate from the institution last studied.

Degree Certificate or Provisional certificate (Original).

Eligibility Certificate: Candidates who have passed the qualifying Examination from any State other than the State of Kerala shall produce the Eligibility Certificate of the Kerala University at the time of admission.

LL.M. and M.B.L. Degree Courses

LL.M Degree Course

The LL.M. degree course shall extend to the period of 2 academic years consisting of 4 semesters. The subjects of the specialization offered by the Kerala Law Academy Law College are Administrative Law and International Law.

Candidates seeking admission to be First Semester of the LL.M. Course shall have passed LL.B. 3 year or LL.B. 5 year examination of the University of Kerala or of any other University recognized by the Kerala University.

Selection to the course will be made on the basis interview and marks secured in the LL.B Examination.

No candidate will be admitted to the LL.M. degree course unless he/she produces the following documents at the time of admission.

All or consolidated mark lists of the LL.B. degree examination (Originals).

Transfer certificate from the institution last studied (Original).

Conduct and character certificate from the institution last studied.

Caste Certificate

Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate (Original).

Eligibility Certificate: Candidates who have passed the qualifying degree examination from any University other than Kerala University shall produce the Eligibility Certificate of the Kerala University at the time of admission.

MBL Degree Course

The minimum qualification to get admission to the programme is Graduate degree (in law or other fields) recognised by University of Kerala (Minimum aggregate 50%). No age limit.

The normal duration of the M.B.L. (Master of Business Law) programme shall be four semesters (2 years) which will be conducted as an evening course.

Selection to the course will be made on the basis interview and marks secured in the Qualifying Examination.

No candidate will be admitted to the M.B.L. degree course unless he/she produces the following documents at the time of admission.

All or consolidated mark lists of the Qualifying Examination (Originals).

Transfer certificate from the institution last studied (Original).

Conduct and character certificate from the institution last studied.

Caste Certificate

Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate (Original).

Eligibility Certificate: Candidates who have passed the Qualifying Examination from any University other than Kerala University shall produce the Eligibility Certificate of the Kerala University at the time of admission.

Every applicant must produce, in addition to other necessary documents, a certificate of good conduct from the Head of the Office where the applicant is employed.

Application for admission to all courses can be submitted either online along with online payment of Rs 1000/- for Unitary 3 year LLB courses and LLM/MBL courses in or directly/through post to the college office at Peroorkada along with demand draft in favour of Principal, Kerala Law Academy Law College for Rs 1000/- for Unitary 3 year LLB courses and LLM/MBL courses which should be sent to “The Principal, Kerala Law Academy Law College, Peroorkada, Thiruvananthapuram – 695005” through post/courier.

The Principal may refuse admission to any candidate without assigning any reason.

Any student who has obtained admission to the College by means of false certificate or by false representation of any kind, or who may be found guilty of misconduct shall be summarily dismissed.
Admissions Open!
Title Kerala Law Academy