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Kerala Law Academy Law College Peroorkada

Thiruvananthapuram Kerala – 695005


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Blood Donation Camp 15th December 2022

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The medical camp conducted on 28.12.2022 in connection with the seven days special camp,more than 100 people from around Peroorkada and nearby locality visited our Camp

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The medical camp conducted on 28.12.2022 in connection with the seven days special camp,more than 100 people from around Peroorkada and nearby locality visited our Camp

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The medical camp conducted on 28.12.2022 in connection with the seven days special camp,more than 100 people from around Peroorkada and nearby locality visited our Camp

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Anti drug pledge by NSS volunteers in connection with seven day special camp

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Anti drug pledge by NSS volunteers in connection with seven day special camp

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Anti drug pledge by NSS volunteers in connection with seven day special camp

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Anti drug pledge by NSS volunteers in connection with seven day special camp

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THE KERALA LAW ACADEMY LAW COLLEGETRIVANDRUMNATIONAL SERVICE SCHEMEUNIT NO.- KL-07-020 KLA NSS volunteers at Govt Mental Health Center, Peroorkada as part of a cleaning campaign. Vattiyoorkavu MLA, V.K Prasant

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The Kerala Law Academy Law College, Trivandrum HAPPY CHILDRENS DAY Celebrating at- Hansel & Grand,Pre school and Kinder Garden, Ambalamukku

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Our NSS volunteer Shafina Beevi gets the opportunity to participate in the National Youth Festival scheduled to be held in Karnataka

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THE KERALA LAW ACADEMY LAW COLLEGE,TRIVANDRUMNATIONAL SERVICE SCHEMEUNIT NO.- KL-07-020 (A B)Congratulations to Mr. Sandeep S MKLA NSS Volunteer Secretary got selected to represent University of Kerala

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the 4th sem unitary students are conducting a seminar on the above said topic. Adv. Sreeram Parakkat will be the Guest of Honour and will give us insight on the said topic.

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KLA NSS VOLUNTEERS,Hareesh,Arjun,Anandhu,Archana,Jisha with their gold medals after successfully completing the Marathon from Manaveeyam Road to Attukal Chinmaya School in connection Anti Drug campaign Image 1

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Camp report and magazine publication

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Seven days Camp National Service Scheme KLA

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Essay Writing Competition Virtual Courts - aa Technocratic Intervention or a tool for augmenting greater access to justice

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The medical camp conducted on 28.12.2022 in connection with the seven days special camp,more than 100 people from around Peroorkada and nearby locality visited our Camp

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District Level Awareness Programme on Indian Constitution University of Kerala , Department of History In association with THE KERALA LAW ACADEMY LAW COLLEGE 29 june 2024

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District Level Awareness Programme on Indian Constitution University of Kerala , Department of History In association with THE KERALA LAW ACADEMY LAW COLLEGE 29 june 2024

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